Elhuyar Hiztegia


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Partekatu sareetan:


(pt & pp thought)

  • 1  vt. [believe] uste izan, pentsatu

    I didn't think (that) you liked sports: ez nuen uste kirola gogoko zenuenik

    I don't think so: ez dut uste

  • 2  vt. [have in mind] pentsatu, buruan izan

    what are you thinking?: zer darabilzu buruan?

    I didn't think to phone her: ez zitzaidan bururatu hari deitzea

  • 3  vt. [expect] espero izan, pentsatu

    I can't think what might happen!: ezin dut imajinatu ere egin zer gerta daitekeen!

    the film was longer than we thought: filma guk espero baino luzeagoa izan zen

  • 4  vt. [in polite requests] ø

    do you think you could open the window?: irekiko duzu leihoa, mesedez?

  • 5  vt. [have opinion] iritzi, iruditu

    what do you think of/about his new film?: zer deritzozu haren film berriari?

  • 6  vi. [use mind] pentsatu

    to think aloud: ozen pentsatu

    to think twice: bi aldiz pentsatu