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1 du ad. to crash, to collide (with)
2 du ad. to hit sb, to strike; [ukabilaz] to punch
3 du ad. [atea, leihoa] to knock (at sth), to knock (on sth), to rap
atea hiru aldiz jo eta itxaron egin zuen: he knocked three times and waited
4 du ad. [eguzkiak] to beat down (on sb/sth); [haizeak] to blow; [tornadoak] to hit
haizeak gogor jotzen zuen: the wind was blowing hard
5 du ad. [desegin, suntsitu] to deteriorate; to devastate
6 du ad. (hed.) to strike
goseak jotako herrialdea: a country in the grip of famine
7 du ad. [ordua] to strike
8 du ad. [trumoia] to thunder; [tximista] to strike
9 du ad. [musika-tresna] to play
urrutira jo gabe: without going very far
11 du ad. to turn (to); to go (to)
norengana jo?: who am I to turn to?
12 du ad. to calculate, to estimate; to reckon