Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  prep. [higher than, over] -tik gora, goiko, -en gainetik

    the water reached above our knees: ura belaunetik gora iritsi zitzaigun

    there was a picture above the fireplace: margolan bat zegoen suaren gaineko horman

    2,000 metres above sea level: 2.000 metro itsas mailaren gainetik

  • 2  prep. [numbers] -tik gora, -en gainetik

    she can't count above ten: ezin du hamarretik gora kontatu

    children above seven years of age: zazpi urtetik gorako umeak

    above 20 degrees: 20 gradutik gora

  • 3  prep. [of rank] -en gainetik

    he is above me in rank: nire gainetik dago

    she's not above the rest: ez dago besteen gainetik

    he was, above all else, a musician: beste gauza guztien gainetik, musikaria zen

  • 4  adv. [overhead, in status] gaineko, goiko; goitik

    seen from above: goitik ikusita

    on the shelf above: goiko apalean

    orders from above: goiko aginduak

    the flat above: goiko pisua

  • 5  adv. [more] -tik gorako

    increases of 12% and above: % 12tik gorako igoera

    boys of 5 and above: 5 urtetik gorako umeak

    seats are available at £5 and above: 5 liberatik gora balio dute eserlekuek

  • 6  adv. [in text] gorago

    see above: ikus gorago

    as I said above: gorago esan dudan bezala

  • 7  adj. (before a noun) [mentioning in a previous fact, place] esandako, aipatutako

    at the above address: esandako helbidean

  • 8  n. (preceded by the) goikoa den(a), goian dagoen(a)

    the above is a photo of my daugher: goikoa nire alabaren argazkia da
