The list of entries or sub-entries that fit the search specifications will appear on the left below the heading Dictionary Units. The list is in alphabetical order (in multi-word units, the hyphen is not taken into account, but blank spaces are).
If you click on one of the units in this list, the relevant content appears in the middle; whenthe results are displayed for the first time, the content of the first in the list will open out.
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The article of an entry is organised into senses.
The Equivalents section is also structured. The equivalents or translations that a word has in each sense, taking the level of equivalence between them as the criterion, are organised into groups of related terms, separated by semi-colons. The necessary information is added to the groups of related terms through usage notes, geographical area labels and semantic labels.Some examples:
When an equivalent or translation is the entry or sub-entry in the other part of the dictionary, it is highlighted in bold type, and has a link to go directly to the relevant entry or sub-entry.
After the senses, the sub-entries corresponding the main entry are listed. If you click on any of them, the information on it is displayed.
We can access the information about the sub-entries through the main entry; but it is not the only way. In fact, the entries and sub-entries are displayed in the results of the dictionary consultation (the Dictionary Units). So you can go straight to a sub-entry through that list. If you click on the sub-entry you want to look up, only the relevant content will be displayed below, not the whole entry. However, the entry in which that sub-entry can be found in the dictionary will appear above, and there is a link to go there directly.
Whenever Ik. xxx appears in the equivalents of the entries and sub-entries, it means that xxx is the spelling accepted in standard Basque. But if h. xxx appears, it means that xxx is the preferred spelling. In many names of species, the standard form is indicated by an arrow (➥) to refer the user to another entry in the Basque section. In the Spanish section the abbreviation tekn. (technicism) is used next to the standard Basque form.
Laburdura | Azalpena |
ad. | aditza |
adb. | adberbioa |
adib. | adibidez |
adj. | adjektiboa |
Aeron. | aeronautika |
Albait. | albaitaritza |
Anat. | anatomia |
Antr. | antropologia |
Antz. | antzertia |
Ar. | Araba |
Arg. | argazkigintza |
Arkeol. | arkeologia |
Arkit. | arkitektura |
Arm. | armagintza |
arrt. | hitz edo erabilera arrunta (gizabidearen arauek gaitzesten dutena) |
Art. | artea |
Art. Graf. | arte grafikoak |
Astrol. | astrologia |
Astron. | astronomia |
Astronaut. | astronautika |
Autom. | automobilgintza |
B | bizkaiera |
banatz. | banatzailea |
Biokim. | biokimika |
Biol. | biologia |
Bizk. | Bizkaia |
BN | behe-nafarrera |
Bot. | botanika |
da ad. | da aditza |
da/du ad. | da/du aditza |
det. | determinatzailea |
dio ad. | dio aditza |
dio/zaio ad. | dio/zaio aditza |
du ad. | du aditza |
E | erronkariera |
Ekol. | ekologia |
Ekon. | ekonomia |
Elektr. | elektrizitatea |
Elektron. | elektronika |
Eraik. | eraikuntza |
erak. | erakuslea |
Erl. | erlijioa |
etab. | eta abar |
ez sing. | mugatu singularrean erabiltzen ez den hitz edo adiera |
Fil. | filosofia |
Fin. | finantzak |
Fis. | fisika |
G | gipuzkera |
gald. | galdetzailea |
Geogr. | geografia |
Geol. | geologia |
Gip. | Gipuzkoa |
GN | goi-nafarrera |
h. | hobe |
haur. | haur-hizkerazko hitz edo adiera |
hed. | hedadurazko adiera |
Heg. | Hego Euskal Herriko hitz edo adiera |
herr. | herri-mailako hitz edo adiera (idatziz erabili ohi ez dena) |
Hezk. | hezkuntza |
Hirgz. | hirigintza |
Hist. | historia |
Hizkl. | hizkuntzalaritza |
Ik. | ikus |
Inform. | informatika |
interj. | interjekzioa |
Ipar. | Ipar Euskal Herriko hitz edo adiera |
Itsas. | itsasoa |
iz. | izena |
izlag. | izenlaguna |
izond. | izenondoa |
izord. | izenordaina |
junt. | juntagailua |
K.a. | Kristo aurreko |
K.o. | Kristo ondoko |
Kim. | kimika |
Kir. | kirola |
Kont. | kontabilitatea |
Koreogr. | koreografia |
L | lapurtera |
Lap. | Lapurdi |
lgart. | lagunarteko hizkerako hitz edo adiera |
Lit. | literatura |
Log. | Logika |
lok. | lokailua |
maiusk. | lehen letra maiuskulaz |
Mar. | marrazketa |
Mat. | matematika |
Meatz. | meatzaritza |
Med. | medikuntza |
mend. | menderagailua |
Metal. | metalurgia |
Meteorol. | meteorologia |
Metr. | metrika |
Mikol. | mikologia |
Mikrob. | mikrobiologia |
Mil. | arlo militarra |
Miner. | mineralogia |
Mit. | mitologia |
Mus. | musika |
Naf. | Nafarroa |
Naf. Beh. | Nafarroa Beherea |
Nekaz. | nekazaritza |
neol. | neologismoa |
onom. | onomatopeia |
ord. | zenbaki ordinala |
Paleont. | paleontologia |
partik. | partikula |
Pedag. | pedagogia |
Pint. | pintura |
pl. | pluralean erabiltzen den hitz edo adiera |
Pol. | politika |
postp. | postposizioa |
Psikiat. | psikiatria |
Psikol. | psikologia |
RAE | Real Academia Española |
Soziol. | soziologia |
sp. | espeziea |
subsp. | azpiespeziea |
Taurom. | tauromakia |
Teknol. | teknologia |
Telekom. | telekomunikazioak |
var. | barietatea |
Z | zuberera |
zah. | hitz edo adiera zaharra |
zaio ad. | zaio aditza |
zenb. | zenbakia |
zenbtz. orok. | zenbatzaile orokorra |
zenbtz. zehazt. | zenbatzaile zehaztua |
zenbtz. zehaztgb. | zenbatzaile zehaztugabea |
Zin. | zinema |
Zool. | zoologia |
Zub. | Zuberoa |
Zuz. | zuzenbidea |
Laburdura | Azalpena |
a.C. | antes de Cristo |
adj. | adjetivo |
adv. | adverbio |
Aeron. | aeronáutica |
Agric. | agricultura |
Anat. | anatomía |
ant. | anticuado, antiguo |
Antr. | antropología |
aprox. | aproximadamente |
Ar. | (Araba) Álava |
Arm. | armamento |
Arq. | arquitectura |
Arqueol. | arqueología |
Art. | arte |
Art. Gráf. | artes gráficas |
Astrol. | astrología |
Astron. | astronomía |
Astronáut. | astronáutica |
Autom. | automovilismo |
Biol. | biología |
Bioquím. | bioquímica |
Bizk. | (Bizkaia) Vizcaya |
Bot. | botánica |
Cin. | Cinematografía |
col. | coloquial |
conj. | conjunción |
Constr. | construcción |
Contab. | contabilidad |
Coreogr. | coreografía |
d.C. | después de Cristo |
Dep. | deportes |
Der. | derecho |
det. | determinante |
dial. | dialecto |
Dib. | dibujo |
Ecol. | ecología |
Econ. | economía |
Electr. | electricidad |
Electrón. | electrónica |
Enseñ. | enseñanza |
etc. | etcétera |
fig. | figurado |
Fil. | filosofía |
Fin. | finanzas |
Fís. | física |
Fot. | fotografía |
frec. | frecuentemente |
Geogr. | geografía |
Geol. | geología |
ger. | gerundio |
Gip. | (Gipuzkoa) Guipúzcoa |
Hist. | historia |
inf. | infinitivo |
Inform. | informática |
ing. | inglés |
interj. | interjección |
Lap. | (Lapurdi) Lapurdi |
Ling. | lingüística |
Lit. | literatura |
Lóg. | lógica |
Mar. | marina |
Mat. | matemáticas |
mayúsc. | mayúscula |
Med. | medicina |
menos frec. | menos frecuente |
Metal. | metalurgia |
Meteorol. | meteorología |
Métr. | métrica |
Micol. | micología |
Microb. | microbiología |
Mil. | milicia |
Min. | minería |
Miner. | mineralogía |
Mit. | mitología |
Mús. | música |
Naf. | (Nafarroa) Navarra |
Naf. Beh. | (Nafarroa Beherea) Baja Navarra |
num. | numeral |
núm. | número |
onom. | onomatopeya |
Paleont. | paleontología |
part. | participio |
Pedag. | pedagogía |
Pint. | pintura |
pl. | plural |
Pol. | política |
prep. | preposición |
pron. | pronombre |
Psicol. | psicología |
Psiquiat. | psiquiatría |
Quím. | química |
RAE | Real Academia Española |
Rel. | religión |
s. | sustantivo |
s.f. | sustantivo femenino |
s.m. | sustantivo masculino |
s.n. | sustantivo neutro |
sing. | singular |
Sociol. | sociología |
sp. | especie |
subj. | subjuntivo |
subsp. | subespecie |
Taurom. | tauromaquia |
tb. | también |
Teatr. | teatro |
Tecnol. | tecnología |
Telecom. | telecomunicaciones |
Urb. | urbanismo |
V. | ver |
v. | verbo |
v.intr. | verbo intransitivo |
v.prnl. | verbo pronominal | | verbo transitivo |
var. | variedad |
Vet. | veterinaria |
vulg. | vulgar |
Zool. | zoología |
Zub. | (Zuberoa) Zuberoa |
Laburdura | Azalpena |
adj. | adjectif |
Admin. | Administration |
adv. | adverbe |
Aéron. | Aéronautique |
affirm. | affirmatif |
Agric. | Agriculture |
Anat. | Anatomie |
Antiq. | Antique |
Archit. | Architecture |
Arith. | Arithmétique |
Arm. | Arme |
art. | article |
Arts | Arts |
Astrol. | Astrologie |
Astron. | Astronomie |
Auto. | Automobile |
Aviat. | Aviation |
Biochim. | Biochimie |
Biol. | Biologie |
Bot. | Botanique |
Chim. | Chimie |
Chirurg. | Chirurgie |
Cin. | Cinéma |
Comm. | Commerce |
conj. | conjonction |
Constr. | Construction |
Cuis. | Cuisine |
dém. | démonstratif |
Dr. | Droit |
Écol. | Écologie |
Écon. | Économie |
Électr. | Électricité |
f. | féminin |
fam. | familier |
fig. | figuré |
Géogr. | Géographie |
Géol. | Géologie |
Géom. | Géométrie |
Hist. | Histoire |
impers. | impersonnel |
Impr. | Imprimerie |
indéf. | indéf.indéfini |
inf. | infinitif |
Inform. | Informatique |
interj. | Interjection |
interr. | interrogatif |
inv. | invariable |
Ling. | Linguistique |
Littér. | Littérature |
loc. | locution |
loc. adv. | locution adverbiale |
loc. conj. | locution conjonctive |
loc. prép. | locution prépositive |
Log. | Logique |
Mar. | Marine |
Math. | Mathématiques |
Mécan. | Mécanique |
Méd. | Médecine |
Météor. | Météorologie |
Mil. | Militaire |
Minér. | Minéralogie |
Mus. | Musique |
Myth. | Mythologie |
n. | nom ou nom masculin e nom féminin |
n. pr. | nom propre |
nf. | nom féminin |
nm. | nom masculin |
num. | numéral |
par anal. | par analogie |
par ext. | par extension |
par oppos. | par opposition |
péjor. | péjoratif |
pers. | personnel |
Philos. | Philosophie |
Phot. | Photographie |
Phys. | Physique |
pl. | pluriel |
Poét. | Poétique |
Polit. | Politique |
pop. | populaire |
poss. | possessif |
prép. | préposition |
pron. | pronom |
Psychiatr. | Psychiatrie |
Psychol. | Psychologie |
récipr. | réciproque |
réfléch. | réfléchi |
rel. | relatif |
Relig. | Religion |
sing. | singulier |
Sports | Sports |
Techn. | Technique |
Théâtr. | Théâtre |
v. | verbe |
vi. | verbe intransitif |
vpr. | verbe pronominal |
vt. | verbe transitif |
vulg. | vulgaire |
Zool. | Zoologie |
Laburdura | Azalpena |
adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
Agr. | agriculture |
Am | American English |
Anat. | anatomy |
Archit. | architecture |
Art. | art |
Astron. | astronomy |
Auto. | automobiles |
Av. | aviation |
Biol. | biology |
Bot. | botany |
Br | British English |
Chem. | chemistry |
compar | comparative |
Comput. | computing |
conj. | conjunction |
Culin. | culinary |
def. art. | definite article |
det. | determiner |
Ecol. | ecology |
Econ. | economics |
Educ. | education |
Elect. | electricity |
excl. | exclamation |
Fin. | finance |
Geog. | geography |
Geol. | geology |
Hist. | history |
indef. art. | indefinite article |
inf | informal |
Law | law |
Ling. | linguistics |
Lit. | literature |
Maths | maths |
Med. | medicine |
Meteo. | meteorology |
Mil. | military |
Min. | mining |
modal v. | modal verb |
Mus. | music |
n. | noun |
Naut. | nautical |
Phil. | philosophy |
Phys. | physics |
pl | plural |
Pol. | politics |
pp | past participle |
prep. | preposition |
pron. | pronoun |
Psych. | psychology |
pt | past tense |
Relig. | religion |
sb | somebody |
Sport | sport |
sth | something |
superl | superlative |
Tec. | technology |
Telec. | telecommunication |
v. aux. | auxiliary, auxiliary verb |
vi. | intransitive verb |
vt. | transitive verb |
Zool. | zoology |