Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  adv. [in space, order] aurrean, aitzinean

    the car ahead is not moving: aurreko autoa geldi dago

    this put the team three points ahead: hiru puntuko aldea eman zion honek taldeari

    to be ahead: aurrean egon, aurrena izan

  • 2  adv. [in space, direction] aurrerantz, aurrera

    to go ahead: aurrerantz joan

  • 3  adv. [in time, in advance] aurretik, aurrez

    to plan ahead: aurretik prestatu

    there's trouble ahead: arazoak aurreikusten dira

    to think ahead: etorkizunean pentsatu

  • 4  adv. (followed by of) [in space, advantage] aurretik, aurrean

    there were three people ahead of us: gure aurretik hiru pertsona zeuden

    to be ahead of sb: norbaiten aurretik joan

  • 5  adv. (followed by of) [in time, before] aurretik, arinago

    you'll get there ahead of us: gu baino arinago iritsiko zara hara

    he is two hours ahead of the next competitor: hurrengo lehiakidea baino bi ordu aurreratuago doa

    we are three months ahead of schedule: programatutakoa baino hiru hilabete aurretik goaz

    to arrive ahead of time: aldez aurretik heldu

    to be ahead of one's time: bere garaiari aurrea hartu zion
