Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  det. (uncountable nouns) -ik; (countable nouns) -ik

    have you taken any money?: dirurik hartu duzu?

    are there any biscuits?: galletarik badago?

  • 2  det. (uncountable nouns) -ik; (countable nouns) -ik; (countable nouns) -ik; (in conditional sentences) -ik

    you should not drink any wine: ardorik ez zenuke edan behar

    I don’t eat any vegetables: barazkirik ez dut jaten

    she asked if we had any questions: galderarik bagenuen galdetu zigun

  • 3  det. (singular countable nouns) edozein

    take any book you like: gustuko duzun edozein liburu hartu

  • 4  pron. (uncountable nouns) ø, batere; (countable nouns) ø, batere

    "I want some water; do you have any?": —ura nahi dut; badaukazu?

    "I've a lot of sweets" — "do you have any?": —gozoki asko ditut —zuk baduzu?

  • 5  pron. (uncountable nouns) ezer/deus (ere), batere; (countable nouns) bat (bera) ere, batere

    "I want some milk" — "there isn't any left": —esne pixka bat nahi dut —ez da ezer ere geratzen

    "could you give me the clips?" — "I haven't got any": —klipak emango dizkidazu? —ez daukat bat bera ere

  • 6  pron. [person] edonor, nornahi; [object] edozein, edozer, zeinahi

    "who do you want to invite to the Summer Ball?" — "anyone can come with me": —nor gonbidatu nahi duzu udako dantzaldira? —edonor etor daiteke nirekin

    "which car would you choose for yourself?" — "I'd take any but the big ones": —zein auto aukeratuko zenuke zuretzat? —edozein aukeratuko nuke handiak ezik

  • 7  adv. ø

    are you feeling any better?: hobeto sentitzen zara?

  • 8  adv. ø

    I'm not speaking to him any more: ez diot berriz hitz egingo
