en > eu
(pt & pp -ied)
1 vt. [method, process, law] erabili; aplikatu; ezarri; egokitu; eragin
to apply the new techniques: teknika berriak erabili
to apply the theory: teoria aplikatu
to apply the brakes: balaztatu
to apply pressure on sth: zerbaiti presioa eragin
2 vt. [ointment, paint, cream] eman, zabaldu; igurtzi
to apply cream: krema eman
3 vt. [dedicate] ahalegindu, saiatu; ekin, heldu
she applied herself to passing the exam: azterketa pasatzeko gogor ahalegindu zen
to apply someone to a task: zeregin bati arretaz ekin
4 vi. [be relevant] egokitu, -i egon
cross out what does not apply: marratu egokia ez dena; marratu gaiari lotua ez dena
5 vi. [for job, audition, membership] aurkeztu; eskatu
to apply for a job: lanposturako aurkeztu
to apply for membership of a club: elkarte bateko bazkide izateko eskaera egin
please apply at the office: izena emateko, joan idazkaritzara