Elhuyar Hiztegia


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Partekatu sareetan:


  • 1  vt. [value, esteem] estimatu, aintzat hartu, balioetsi

    to appreciate good wine: ardo ona estimatu

  • 2  vt. [danger, difficulties] hauteman, -z ohartu; ulertu

    I didn't really appreciate the danger of the situation: egoeraren arriskua ez nuen benetan hauteman

    yes, I appreciate that: bai, ulertzen dut

  • 3  vt. [be grateful for] eskertu; estimatu

    I'd appreciate your help: zure laguntza eskertuko nuke

  • 4  vi. [property] balioa handitu

    property values appreciate yearly: jabetzaren balioa handitu egiten da urtero