Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  prep. [in space] atzean, gibelean

    Tim is behind me: Tim atzean dut

    the restaurant is behind the park: jatetxea parkearen gibelean dago

  • 2  prep. [responsible for] atzean, gibelean

    there's a lot of people behind that idea: ideia horren atzean jende asko dago

  • 3  prep. [in support of] -en alde

    the parents were behind her: gurasoak alde zituen

  • 4  prep. -en atzetik

    he's behind the rest of the class in numbers: gelako beste guztien atzetik doa zenbakietan

  • 5  adv. [in space] atzean, gibelean

    to fall behind: atzean gelditu

  • 6  adv. [in time] atzetik, gibeletik

    to be behind: atzetik joan

  • 7  n. ipurdi, popa
