Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu



  • 1  n. estalki; [lid] tapa; [of seat, cushion] azal; [of bottle] tapoi

  • 2  n. [of bed] tapaki; manta

  • 3  n. [of book, magazine] azal

    to read a book from cover to cover: liburu bat burutik burura irakurri

  • 4  n. [shelter] aterpe, gerizpe; babes, babesleku, babesgune

    to take cover (from): aterpean sartu

    under cover: babespean

    to run for cover: korrika egin babes bila

  • 5  n. [of insurance] estaldura

  • 6  n. (Br) [at table] plater
