Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu

1 flat



(compar flatter superl flattest)

  • 1  adj. [surface, landscape] lau, zelai, ordoki, berdin

  • 2  adj. [smooth] leun, liso

    to smooth the paper flat: papera lisatu

  • 3  adj. [dish] azal, zapal, atal

  • 4  adj. [foot, shoe] zapal, lau

  • 5  adj. [nose] sudurmotz

  • 6  adj. [tyre, ball] hustu, zulatu; airea galdu duen(a)

    we got a flat tyre: gurpil bat zulatu zitzaigun

  • 7  adj. [denial, refusal] erabateko, biribil

  • 8  adj. [trade, business] eskas, kaskar

  • 9  adj. [tone, voice] monotono; motel

    the teacher's voice is too flat: irakaslearen ahotsa monotonoegia da

  • 10  adj. [colour] apal

  • 11  adj. [drink] gasik gabe(ko)

    the drink will be warm and flat by now: edari hori gasik gabe eta epel egongo da honezkero

  • 12  adj. [battery] deskargatu, agortu

  • 13  adj. [rate, fee, charge] finko

  • 14  adj. (Mus.) [voice, instrument] tonua galdu, tonutik irten, desafinatu

  • 15  adj./n. (Mus.) bemol

    B flat: si bemola

  • 16  adv. luze, luze-luze; zabal, zabal-zabal

    to lie flat: luze etzan

  • 17  adv. [of time] zehatz, justu, doi

    two minutes flat: bi minutu justu

  • 18  n. [of hand] ahur, esku-azpi, esku-ahur, esku-barru, esku-barren

  • 19  n. [tyre] zulo, zulatze

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