en > eu
1 prep. -entzat, -endako; -rako
a film for children: umeendako filma
flowers for the hall: hall-erako loreak
2 prep. [on behalf of] -en ordez
I took the prize for you: zure ordez hartu nuen saria
3 prep. -en alde; -gatik
I did it for you: zuregatik egin nuen
a meeting for the dead: hildakoen aldeko elkarretaratzea
4 prep. [concerning sb/sth] -i dagokionez/dagokiolarik
fortunately for us, the weather changed: zorionez guretzat, eguraldia aldatu egin da
5 prep. [employed by] -n
he is working for the university: unibertsitatean ari da lanean
6 prep. [showing purpose] -teko, -tzeko, -rako
who did you do that for?: nori emateko egin duzu hori?
7 prep. [reason] -lako, -gatik
it's known for its cathedral: katedralagatik da ezaguna
8 prep. [direction] -ra, -rako, -rantz
they left for Morocco: Marokora joan dira
9 prep. -en truke
I've got a book for 50 cents: 50 zentimoren truke liburu bat erosi dut
10 prep. [considering what can be expected] -t(z)eko, -rako
it's not raining much for autumn: udazkena izateko euri gutxi ari du egiten
11 prep. -en
b for Bilbo: Bilboren b
12 prep. [a period of time] -rako
for a few days: egun batzuetarako
13 prep. [a concrete date] -rako
I've an appointment for next Friday: datorren ostiralerako hitzordua daukat