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  • 1  n. ohar, oharpen; iruzkin, komentario

    he left a note on the table: mahai gainean ohar bat utzi zuen

    see note 5, page 410: ikus 5. oharra, 410. orrian

  • 2  n. [lecture, talk; in classroom] apunte; ohar

    take notes in class: klasean apunteak hartu

    to speak from/without notes: oharrekin hitz egin; oharrik gabe hitz egin

  • 3  n. [mood, style, tone] kutsu, ukitu; tonu; era, modu

    on a more positive note...: alde positiboa kontuan hartuz; ukitu positiboagoa emanez...

  • 4  n. (Br) [money] billete, diru-paper

    a five-pound note: bost liberako billete bat

  • 5  n. (Mus.) nota; nota-irudi

    scale notes: eskalako notak

  • compare notes (about sth)
  • keep/make a note of sth
  • of note
  • take note (of)
  • worthy of note
