en > eu
1 prep. [belonging to] -en
the cover of a book: liburu baten azala
the smell of milk: esnearen usaina
a cousin of mine/theirs: nire/haien lehengusu bat
2 prep. [a portion of] -etako, -etatik, -etarik, -en artean
many of us: gutariko asko
both of you: zuek biok
one of the best: onenetariko bat
the worst of them: haien artean okerrena
there are three of us: hiru gara
3 prep. [cause] -z
to die of love: maitasunez hil
4 prep. [quantity, content] ø
a cup of coffee: kafe-kikara bat
a bottle of wine: botila bat ardo
thousands of people: milaka pertsona
5 prep. [amount, age] -ko
an increase of 6%: % 6ko igoera
a child of five: bost urteko haurra
6 prep. [time] -en
the 4th of May: maiatzaren 4a
7 prep. [emotions, opinions] -en, -ekiko
fear of ghosts: mamuekiko beldurra
his love of jazz: haren jazz-zaletasuna
8 prep. [with] -dun, -ko
a city of wide avenues: etorbide zabalak dituen hiria
a decision of great importance: garrantzi handiko erabakia
9 prep. [made from] -zko
a shirt of silk: zetazko alkandora