Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu




  • 1  prep. [position] -n; -n gainean

    on the table: mahai gainean

    on the ground: lurrean

    on the wall: horman

    on the left/right: ezkerrean/eskuinean

    she sleeps on her back/side: ahoz gora egiten du lo; alboz egiten du lo

  • 2  prep. [means] -z; -ekin; -n

    she's on the telephone: telefonoz ari da

    I accompanied him on the piano: pianoz lagundu nion

    it runs on gas: gasolinarekin funtzionatzen du

    he spoke on the radio: irratian hitz egin zuen

    she is working on the computer: ordenagailuan ari da lanean

  • 3  prep. [mode of transport] -z

    to travel by bus/train/sea: autobusez/trenez/itsasontziz bidaiatu

    on foot: oinez

    on horseback: zaldiz

  • 4  prep. [time, date] -an; t(z)ean, -t(z)erakoan

    on Thursday: ostegunean

    on Thursdays: ostegunetan

    on my birthday: nire urtebetetze-egunean

    on the 14th of November: azaroaren 14an

    on holidays: oporretan

    on my return: ni itzultzean

    on arriving there: hara iristean

  • 5  prep. [about] -z, -zko, -i buruz(ko), -en gainean, -en gaineko

    a book on astronomy: astronomiari buruzko liburua

  • 6  prep. [indicating influence] -en gain, -en gainean; -engan

    the impact of chemicals on the environment: gai kimikoek ingurumenean duten eragina

    those friends are a bad influence on you: lagun horiek eragin txarra dute zugan

  • 7  prep. [using, supported by] -en mende

    she's on social security: gizarte-segurantzatik dirua jasotzen du

    she's on 25,000 pounds a year: urtean 25.000 libera irabazten ditu

    he's on tranquillizers: lasaigarriak hartzen ari da

  • 8  prep. [paid by] -en kontura

    the drinks are on me!: edariak nire kontura!

    I bought a car on credit: kredituan erosi dut autoa

  • 9  adv. [covering, clothing] gainean; soinean

    put the lid on: jarriozu tapa

    what did he have on?: zer zeraman soinean?

    put your coat on: jantzi berokia

  • 10  adv. [happening] gertatzen; arian

    there was a war on at the time: garai hartan gerra zen

  • 11  adv. [in operation] martxan

    turn the radio on: piztu irratia

    turn the tap on: ireki iturria

    put the kettle on: jarri ura irakiten

  • 12  adv. [not stopping] gelditu gabe

    he kept on walking: oinez jarraitu zuen

    she went on and on about her trip: gelditu gabe jardun zuen bere bidaiaz

  • 13  adv. [forward] aurrera; atzera

    to move on: aurreratu

    later on: aurrerago, geroago

    earlier on: lehenago

  • 14  adj. [machine] martxan; [radio, TV, light] piztuta; [tap] irekita

  • 15  adj. [scheduled] aurreikusita; programatuta

    have you got anything on tomorrow?: baduzu biharko planik?

    what's on at the cinema this week?: zer emango dute zineman aste honetan?

    the show will be on in Barcelona very soon: ikuskizuna laster izango da Bartzelonan

  • 16  adj. [working] lanean

    I'm on now till 8 tomorrow morning: lana dut bihar goizeko 8ak arte

  • 17  adj. [acceptable] onargarri

    that's not on!: hori onartezina da!
