en > eu
1 adj. [different] beste ... bat; beste ... batzuk
some other way: beste bideren bat
some other friends: beste lagun batzuk
2 adj. [remaining] beste ...-a; beste ...-ak
the other one: bestea
the other three: beste hirurak
3 adj. [day, morning, week] lehengo... -n, aurreko... -n
the other day: lehengo egunean
the other evening: aurreko arratsalde batean
4 pron. [different] beste bat, beste batzuk
there might be others: beste batzuk egon daitezke
some eat, others drink: batzuk jaten ari dira, beste batzuk edaten
5 pron. [remaining] bestea, besteak
you have to choose one or the other: bata ala bestea aukeratu behar duzu
the others don't want to come: besteek ez dute etorri nahi