en > eu
1 adv. [not inside] kanpoan; kanpora
out there: hor kanpoan
we all went out: kanpora irten ginen denok
I'm going out for a walk: ibilaldi bat egitera irtengo naiz
2 adv. [away from home, office] kanpoan
the doctor is out at the moment so his assistant will come instead: medikua kanpoan da eta gaur laguntzailea etorriko da
3 adv. [fire, light] itzalita
suddenly all the lights went out: bat-batean argi guztiak itzali egin ziren
4 adv. [tides] behera
when the tide is out the ship cannot leave the harbour: itsasbeheran ontzia ezin da portutik irten
5 adv. [out of fashion] ez modan, modaz pasatuta
black is out this year: beltza ez dago modan aurten
6 adv. [published] argitaratuta
7 adv. [in flower] loretan
the apple tree is out: sagarrondoa loretan dago
8 adv. [on strike] greban
99 % of the workers were out: langileen % 99k greba egin zuten
9 adv. [finished] bukatuta
before the week is out: astea bukatu baino lehen
10 adv. [visible] aterata
the sun/moon is out: eguzkia/ilargia atera da
11 adv. [determined] ziur, seguru, irmo
to be out to do sth: zerbait egiteko asmo irmoa izan