en > eu
1 adj. [identical] berdin
I bought the same car as yours: zurea bezalako autoa erosi dut
2 adj. [not another] bera; berbera
we were looking for the same man: gizon berberaren bila genbiltzan
at the same time: aldi berean
3 pron. [identical] berdin
she's much the same: berdin jarraitzen du
4 pron. [not another] gauza bera
"I'll have coffee" — "same for me, please": —kafea niretzat —nik ere gauza bera, mesedez
it's all the same to me: niri berdin zait
just the same, all the same: dena den, edonola ere
"Happy Christmas!" — "(the) same to you!": —Eguberri on! —baita zuri ere
we treat boys exactly the same as girls: mutilak eta neskak berdin-berdin tratatzen ditugu
he gave me five dollars, same as usual: bost dolar eman zizkidan, beti bezala