Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  adv. [to such a degree] hain; honen, horren; hainbeste, honenbeste, horrenbeste

    he's not so ugly: ez da hain itsusia

    I've never seen so much money: ez dut inoiz hainbeste diru ikusi

  • 2  adv. [very, extremely] izugarri, ikaragarri, biziki

    I so love him: izugarri maite dut

    I thank you so much: biziki eskertzen dizut

  • 3  adv. [also] ere bai

    "I like cats" — "so do I": —asko maite ditut katuak —nik ere bai

  • 4  adv. [like that] hala

    so they say: hala diote

    I think so: hala uste dut

    if so: hala bada

    so be it: hala bedi

    is that so?: benetan?

  • 5  conj. [therefore] beraz, hortaz, ondorioz, horregatik

    she was ill, so she didn't come: gaixo zegoen, eta horregatik ez zen etorri

    "no, John is not here" — "so he must be at the bar": —ez, John ez dago hemen —orduan tabernan egongo da

  • 6  conj. [and afterwards] orduan

    so she got up and said: ...: orduan altxatu eta esan zuen: ...

  • 7  conj. [to introduce a statement] ea, beraz, tira, eta

    so, let's begin: ea, has gaitezen

    so, that's it for today: tira, hau da dena gaurkoz

    so, how was the trip?: eta? zer moduz bidaia?

  • and so on/forth
  • so (that)
  • so as
  • so far
