en > eu
1 n. [object, action] gauza
I thought the same thing: gauza bera pentsatu nuen
there's another thing I'd like to ask you: beste gauza bat galdetu nahi nizuke
let's forget the whole thing: ahantz dezagun dena
the (best) thing to do would be to wait: itxarotea litzateke onena
the thing is that I don't know what to do: kontua da ez dakidala zer egin
first thing in the morning: goizeko lehen orduan
it's a good thing you were there: eskerrak han zeunden
not a thing: ezer ez
there wasn't a thing we could do to help: ezin genuen ezertxo ere egin laguntzeko
3 n. [person, animal] ø
poor thing!: gaixoa!
you silly thing!: hi bai hi memeloa!
4 n. (pl) [possessions] ondasunak, norberaren gauzak
5 n. (pl) [situation, life] gauzak
how are things?: zer moduz doa dena?
as things stand, it will be difficult to win: gauzak dauden bezala, zaila izango da irabaztea