Elhuyar Hiztegia

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(pt & pp shot)

  • 1  vt. [bullet] tiratu; [missile, arrow] jaurti, bota

  • 2  vt. [person] tirokatu

    he was shot in the leg: hankan tiro egin zioten

    he was shot dead: tiroka hil zuten

  • 3  vt. [film] filmatu

  • 4  vi. [fire weapon] tiro egin, tiratu, su egin

    don't shoot!: ez egin tiro!

  • 5  vi. [move quickly] ziztu bizian ibili/joan/etorri

    a plane shot across the sky: hegazkin bat pasatu zen zerutik ziztu bizian

  • 6  vi. [in cinema] filmatu

  • 7  vi. (Sport) baloia jaurti

  • shoot down
  • shoot out
  • shoot up
