Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  n. [problem] arazo, problema

    to be in trouble: arazoak izan

    to get into trouble: arazotan sartu

    what's the trouble?: zer gertatzen da? zein da arazoa?

    we have trouble getting staff: arazoak ditugu langileak lortzeko

  • 2  n. [bother] eragozpen, traba

    if you're sure it's no trouble: eragozpenik ez baduzu

    I hope the children weren't too much trouble: espero dut haurrek ez dizutela traba handirik egin

    it's not worth the trouble: ez du merezi

    he took the trouble to phone you and you didn't even thank him: hark deitzeko lana hartu eta zuk eskerrik eman ere ez

  • 3  n. (usually pl) [strife] istilu, iskanbila

    there was trouble in town last night: bart istiluak izan dira hirian

  • 4  n. [illness, pain] gaitz, min

    I'm having trouble with my knee: belauneko minez nabil

    heart trouble: bihotz-arazoak

  • 5  n. [malfunction] matxura, aberia
