en > eu
1 prep. [below] (-en) azpi, -pe (leku-atzizkiez)
it's under the bed: ohe azpian dago
they walked under the bridge: zubipetik igaro ziren
2 prep. [less than] baino gutxiago
in under an hour: ordubete baino gutxiagoan
children under the age of 12: 12 urtetik beherako haurrak
3 prep. [subject to, controlled by] -en mende
he has 20 men under him: 20 gizon ditu bere ardurapean
the coinage was reformed under Elizabeth I: moneta-sistema Elizabeth I.aren garaian aldatu zen
4 prep. [according to] -en arabera
under the constitution: konstituzioaren arabera
5 prep. [undergoing] -t(z)e bidean, -t(z)e prozesuan
the matter is under investigation: arazoa ikertzen ari dira
6 prep. [affected by] -en eraginpean
she's still under anaesthetic: anestesiaren eraginpean dago oraindik
I've been feeling under stress lately: estresak jota nabil azkenaldian
7 adv. [below] behe, azpi (leku-atzizkiez)
8 adv. [below surface of water] urpe (leku-atzizkiez)
9 adv. [less] gutxiago