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  • 1  n. [of machine, substance, method, word] erabilera, erabilpen; erabiltze, baliatze

    the software is designed for use in schools: softwarea eskoletan erabiltzeko diseinatu da

    the machine is in use: makina martxan dago

    the washing machine is out of use: garbigailua ez dabil

  • 2  n. [application, function] erabilera

    it has many uses: erabilera asko ditu

  • 3  n. [usefulness] erabilgarritasun, baliagarritasun

    it is of little practical use: ez da oso erabilgarria

    what's the use of worrying?: zertarako kezkatu?

    it's no use complaining: alferrik da kexatzea

  • 4  n. [right to use] erabiltzeko/baliatzeko eskubide

    I have the use of my boss's car this week: aste honetan nagusiaren autoa erabil dezaket
