en > eu
1 modal v. [to form future tense] -ko, -go, -en
he will have finished his work by the time you get there: lana bukatuta izango du zu hara iristen zarenerako
when will we get paid?: noiz ordainduko digute?
"will they come?" — "yes, they will" / "no, they won't": —etorriko dira? —bai / ez
it will rain tomorrow: bihar euria egingo du
2 modal v. [with tag questions] ezta?, ezta hala?
you will come, won't you?: etorriko zara, ezta?
you won't say anything, will you?: ez duzu ezer esango, ezta?
3 modal v. [to indicate willingness] -ko, -go; nahi
"who'll post this letter for me?" — "I will": —nork botako dit gutun hau postontzira? —nik
he won't help me: ez dit lagundu nahi
will you have some more coffee?: kafe gehiago nahi duzu?
4 modal v. [in commands, requests] -ko, -go; ahal
give me a hand, will you?: lagunduko didazu, mesedez?
will you be quiet!: isilduko ahal zara behingoz!
you will leave this house at once: alde egin ezazu etxe honetatik oraintxe bertan
5 modal v. [to express possibility] -ko, -go
this jar will hold a kilo: ontzi honetan kilo bat sartzen da
6 modal v. [to express an assumption] -ko, -go, -en
they'll be tired: nekatuta egongo dira
you'll have had dinner already, I suppose: jadanik afalduko zenuen, ezta?
to do sth of one's own free will: nork bere borondatez egin
against sb's will: -en borondatearen kontra
2 n. (Law) testamentu, ordenu
to make a will: testamentua egin