en > eu
1 adj. [having the value of] balio duen(a)
my house is worth 300,000 euros: nire etxeak 300.000 euro balio ditu
it's worth a lot to me: balio handia du niretzat
2 adj. [deserving of] merezi duen(a)
the museum is worth visiting / a visit: merezi du museoa bisitatzea
it's worth waiting for an hour: merezi du ordubete itxarotea
it's worth a try: merezi du saiatzea
it's not worth it: ez du merezi
3 n. [amount] kopuru, zenbateko
a pound's worth of apples: libra bat sagar
a month's worth of groceries: hilabeterako janaria
the winner will receive 200 dollars' worth of gold: irabazleak 200 dolar jasoko ditu urretan
she has 50,000 pounds' worth of antiques: haren antigoaleko altzariek 50.000 liberako balioa dute
their contribution was of great worth: haien ekarpena oso garrantzitsua izan zen