en > eu
1 adj. [not normal] txar, oker
the clock's wrong: ordularia gaizki dabil
what's wrong?: zer gertatzen da? zein da arazoa?
there's nothing wrong with your stomach: zure urdaila ezin hobeto dago
2 adj. [not suitable, not correct] oker, okerreko; desegoki, ezegoki
you're plainly wrong: erabat oker zaude
he is wrong in thinking that: oker dago hori pentsatzen badu
to go the wrong direction: okerreko bidea hartu
this is the wrong time to say that: ez da hori esateko une egokia
she's the wrong person for the job: ez da pertsona egokia lan honetarako
I always seem to say the wrong thing: nonbait, beti esaten dut esan behar ez dudana
3 adj. [morally bad] txar, gaitz, kaltegarri, galgarri
what's wrong with being a communist?: zer du txarra komunista izateak?
it's bad to steal: lapurretan egitea gaizki dago
to do sth wrong: zerbait gaizki egin
all our plans went wrong: gure plan guztiek huts egin zuten
I don't know where I went wrong: ez dakit non huts egin nuen
you got it wrong; it's Maria who's coming, not Marina: ez duzu ongi ulertu; Maria etorriko da, ez Marina
my washing machine broke down: garbigailua hondatu egin zitzaidan
she knows right from wrong: ongia eta gaizkia bereizten badaki
6 n. [injustice] bidegabekeria, zuzengabekeria
to suffer a wrong: bidegabekeria bat pairatu