en > eu
1 pron. (subject) hi, heu; zu, zeu; [pl] zuek, zeuek
you knew it too: heuk ere bahekien
you'll do it better: zuk hobeto egingo duzu
you can bring wine: zuek ardoa ekar dezakezue
2 pron. (direct object) hi; zu; [pl] zuek
Kevin loves you: Kevinek zu maite zaitu
3 pron. (indirect object) hiri; zuri; [pl] zuei
we'll show you our country: gure herria erakutsiko dizuegu
4 pron. (after prep) hirekin, hiretzat, hiregatik, hiregana, hitaz (eta kidekoak)
wait, I'll go with you: itxaron, hirekin joango nauk
5 pron. (emphatic use) hi, heu; zu, zeu; [pl] zuek, zeuek
you say you don't like it? you were the one who chose it: ez zaizula gustatzen? zeuk aukeratu duzu eta!
6 pron. (in comparisons) hi; zu; [pl] zuek
they are no better than you: ez dira zuek baino hobeak
7 pron. [anyone, one] (in afirmative contexts) norbera(k); (in negative contexts) ø, bat(ek)
you can't do that here: hemen ezin da hori egin
when this child starts crying, you don't know what to do: ume hau negarrez hasten denean, batek ez daki zer egin