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1 du ad. [aginduak eman] to order, to give an order, to command
isiltzeko agindu: to order sb to be silent
nork agintzen du etxe honetan?: who's in charge in this house?
2 du ad. [lana edo zeregina] to commision
agindutako lana: the work that was/has been commissioned
3 du ad. [promes egin, hitzeman] to promise
agindu nizun ala?: did I promise you or something?
agindua zor: a promise is a promise
agindutako saria: the promised prize
aginduak bete: to obey orders
nagusiaren aginduak: the boss's orders
2 iz. promise
maite-aginduak: promises of love
3 iz. (Erl.) commandment
Hamar Aginduak: the Ten Commandments