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1 du ad. to raise, to lift; to put up; [garabiaz] to hoist
altxa besoak: raise your arms
ezinezkoa zen lurretik altxatzea: it was impossible to lift it off the floor
2 du ad. [salneurria] to raise the price of, to put up the price of, to make more expensive, to increase
3 du ad. to put sth away, to keep, to collect; to organize, to organise
dirua altxatu: to put the money away
4 du ad. [haurrak] to bring up, to rear, to raise
5 du ad. [eraiki] to build, to erect
eliza eder bat altxatu zuten: they built a beautiful church
6 du ad. (Ipar.) (sarritan preso hitza aurretik duela) to arrest, to detain, to hold
Belen preso altxatu zuten: Belen was arrested
7 da ad. [zutik jarri] to get up, to stand (up), to rise up
orduan altxatu eta esan zuen: ...: so she got up and said: ...
altxa zaitez: stand up!
8 da ad. [garestitu] to rise in price, to increase in price
9 da ad. [matxinatu] to rise up, to revolt, to rebel
diktaduraren kontra altxatu: rise up against the dictatorship
10 da/du ad. [orea] to rise
ogia ez zen behar bezala altxatu: the dough didn't rise enough