eu > en
1 da ad. to adorn oneself; to do yourself up; [jantziez] to dress up
2 du ad. to adorn, to decorate, to embellish
urrez eta harribitxiz apaindua: adorned with gold and precious gems
3 du ad. to repair, to fix, to mend
berak apaindu behar zituen urratu eta zulatutako alkandorak: he had to mend his torn shirts himself
4 du ad. [larrua, lihoa] to work
larrua apaindu: to work the leather
5 da/du ad. to prepare, to arrange, to organize, to organise; to get/have sth ready; to get (someone) ready
lur landua eta apaindua: land that has been worked and prepared
banoa zuei logela apaintzera: I'm off to prepare your room