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1 du ad. to take out, to get out; to draw
atera ezazu garajetik: take it out of the garage
ideia liburu batetik atera nuen: I got the idea out of a book
botilaren kortxoa atera zuen: he drew the cork out of the bottle
2 du ad. [erauzi] to extract; [minerala] to mine; [harrobia] to quarry
informazioa atera: to extract information
harrobitik marmola atera: to quarry marble
3 du ad. [argitaratu] to publish, to bring out
4 du ad. [legea] to enact
5 du ad. [lortu] to get, to obtain; to achieve, to attain
azkenean berak nahi zuena atera zuen: she got what she wanted in the end
6 du ad. (Kir.) [futbola] to throw in; [tenisa] to serve
7 da ad. [irten] to come out, to go out; to leave; to get out; to set off/out, to go (away)
ez gara asko ateratzen: we don't go out much
bidetik atera, erditik kendu: to get out of the way
bostetan aterako naiz: I'm leaving at five
9 da ad. [sortu, agertu] to cut; to emerge, to appear; to sprout, to come up
umeari hortza atera zaio: the baby has cut a tooth
arbolari lore-begiak atera zaizkio: the tree is in bud
10 da ad. [kostatu] to work out
merkeago aterako zaigu autobusez bidaiatzea: it'll work out cheaper to travel by bus