eu > en
1 iz. interior; (the) inside; internal, inner
autoaren barnea: the interior of a car
barne-dekorazioa: interior decoration
ontziaren barnea: the inside of the container
barne-arautegia: internal regulations
barne-belarria: inner ear
2 iz. (lekuzko kasu-atzizkiez) inside; into; within
barnera sartu: to go inside
hator etxe barnera: come into the house
3 iz. (hed.) inside; inward(s), inwardly
itxaropen-izpi bat sortu zen bere barnean: there was a spark of hope in him
barne-barnean asko maite zuen: deep down, he really loved her
salneurri guztiek BEZa barne dute: all prices are inclusive of VAT