eu > en
ohean egon: to stay/be in bed
errota bidetik urrun dago: the mill is off the road
nekatuta egongo dira: they'll be tired
luzaz egon zara?: have you been here long?
egon hor, ez mugitu: stay there and don't move!
2 da ad. there is/are/was/were...; to exist
ez dago inor: there's nobody there; there's nobody in
hemen ez dago horrelako inor: there is no such person here
hainbeste jende zegoen!: there were so many people
3 da ad. to work (as), to have a job, to be employed
irakasle dago: she's working as a teacher
4 da ad. (-t(z)eko) to be about to, to be close to
asmatzeko dagoena: what has yet to be invented
goseak egon: to be hungry
hotzak nago: I feel cold
6 da ad. (-tik) to suffer; to be; to have
burutik dago: she's mad
bihotzetik dago: he has heart trouble
7 da ad. (-n, -ten, -tzen) to be doing, to be having
Mikel telebista ikusten dago: Mikel is watching television
8 da ad. (aginteran) to wait
zaude pixka batean: wait a minute
9 da ad. (-n) to be, to mean; to lie in; to consist of
zertan dago maitasuna?: what is love?
10 da ad. to think, to believe
nago ez dela etorriko: I don't think he's coming
11 da ad. (adizki trinkoez) to correspond; to go with
kolore hau ez dagokio horri: this colour doesn't go with that one
bilerari dagokion akta: the minutes of the meeting