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1 du ad. to carry, to take; [ibilgailuz] to transport, to drive
ez zaitez saiatu hainbeste plater batera eramaten: don't try to carry so many plates at once
nire lankideak eraman gintuen aireportura: my colleague drove us to the airport
2 du ad. [arropa] to wear
jantzi babesgarria eraman behar da: protective clothing must be worn
3 du ad. [ebatsi] to steal
4 du ad. (-ra) to lead, to guide; to direct; [leku zehatz batera] to show
bide horrek gailurrera darama: this path leads to the summit
zaintzaileak gure eserlekuetara eraman gintuen: the attendant showed us to our seats
5 du ad. [garaipena, saria] to achieve, to attain, to obtain
6 du ad. [pairatu] to bear, to stand, to accept
ezin du eraman inork aurka egitea: she can't bear being opposed by anyone
7 du ad. [denbora] to have been, to spend
denbora asko daramazu hemen?: have you been here long?
8 du ad. [bizimodua] to lead
9 du ad. to run
negozioa eraman: to run the business
10 du ad. [abiadura, indarra] to move; to drive
abiada ederra darama: he's moving at great speed
11 du ad. [pilota-jokoan] to return
iz. patience, forbearance