eu > en
1 izlag. like that/it/her/him, that/this kind of
ez duzu halakorik esan behar: you mustn't say things like that
2 izlag. such (a), like that
min duzu halakorik entzuteaz: it hurts you to hear such things
halakorik ez dut ikusi: I've never seen anything like it
3 izlag. so-and-so
halakok esan zidan: so-and-so told me
4 izlag. times (as much/many as)
zuk halako bi ditut nik: I've got twice as many as you
aurreko urtean halako hiru opari eskuratu dituzte haurrek aurten: this year the children got three times as many gifts as last year
5 izlag. you + adj., what a
ergel halakoa!: what a fool!