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1 du ad. [heldu] to take, to grab, to seize
neskak mutilari eskua hartu zion dantza egiten has zitezen: the girl took the boy's hand to start dancing
2 du ad. to take (over), to seize, to capture
armadak hiria hartu zuen: the army captured the city
3 du ad. [babesa eman] to receive, to take in
4 du ad. [jaso] to receive, to get
5 du ad. [janaria, edaria] to drink, to eat, to have; to ingest
6 du ad. [erabakia, neurria] to take, to adopt
7 du ad. [kolpea] to bang, to receive a blow
8 du ad. [ibilgailua] to take
9 du ad. [ohitura] to get into the habit of
telebista ez ikusteko ohitura hartu: to get into the habit of not watching TV
10 du ad. [zerbait modu jakin batean] to take
ez gaizki hartu!: don't take it personally!