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1 da ad. to walk
azkar ibili: to walk quickly
oinez hamar milia egin: to walk ten miles
2 da ad. [zaldiz] to ride
3 da ad. [egon] to be
haserre dabil: he's angry
nor dabil hor?: who's there?
zeren bila zabiltza?: what are you looking for?
4 da ad. [funtzionatu] to go, to work, to function
nire erlojua ondo dabil: my watch works well
5 da ad. [maiz joan] to attend
urtero joaten da alderdiaren biltzarrera: she attends the party conference every year
6 da ad. (aspektua puntukaria denean soilik) [haizea] to blow
haizea dabil: the wind is blowing
7 da ad. (gehienetan adberbio batekin) [jokatu] to behave; to act
kontuz ibili!: be careful!
8 da ad. to move; [autoak] to drive (along), to go
ordu horretan auto asko ibiltzen dira leku horretan: at that time there are a lot of cars driving along that route