eu > en
1 iz. (batez ere pl.) surroundings, surrounding area, environs; outskirts
Zarautz eta bere inguruak: Zarautz and the surrounding area
Paris eta bere inguruak: Paris and its environs
2 iz. (lekuzko kasu-atzizkiez) surrounding area
parkearen inguruan zuhaitzak daude: there are some trees around the park
Madrilen eta inguruko herrietan: in Madrid and the villages round about
3 iz. [itzulia] turn
plazari inguru bat egitea: to take a turn around the square; to go around the square
4 iz. detour
herria ikusteko inguru bat egin: to make a detour to see the village
5 postp. [denboraz] around, about
hamar eta erdiak inguruan: at around half past ten
6 postp. [zenbaki baten osagarri] roughly; approximately, about, around; nearly
sei milia inguru: roughly six miles
duela bost urte inguru: approximately five years ago
ehun lagun inguru: about one hundred people