eu > en
1 da/du ad. to pour; [sarritan ustekabean] to spill; to dump, to discharge
ardoa isuri: to pour/spill the wine
isuri saltsa pasta gainera: pour the sauce over the pasta
lantegiari isuna jarri zioten substantzia kimikoak isurtzeagatik: the factory was fined for discharging chemicals
odola isuri: to shed blood
malkoak isuri: to weep
3 da ad. to flow, to empty, to discharge
itsasora isurtzen diren ibaiak: the rivers that flow into the sea
1 iz. pouring; spill, spillage; leakage; flow; dumping, discharge
hondakin toxikoen isuria: a leakage of toxic waste
petrolio-isuria itsasoan: oil dumping at sea
odol-isuria: bloodshed
2 iz. [teilatuarena] slope; incline