eu > en
izan edo ez izan: to be or not to be
2 da ad. [gose, egarri, beldur] to be
aitona ongi da: granddad is fine
gose naiz: I'm hungry
3 da ad. to be
bihar greba izango da: there's going to be a strike tomorrow
4 da/du ad. to happen, to take place, to be
zer duzu?: what's the matter with you?; what's up with you?; what's wrong with you?
5 da/du ad. auxiliary verb
zer gertatu zaio?: what has happened to him?
6 da/du ad. (era burutuan) used to
gure etxera etorri izan da: he used to come to our house
7 du ad. to have (got)
diru asko du: he has a lot of money
iz. being