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1 du ad. [lurretik] to pick sth up
jaso ezazu paper hori: pick up that piece of paper
2 du ad. [bildu, txukundu] to gather, to collect; to tidy up, to clear up; [mahaia] to clear
geure gauzak jaso eta berehala joan ginen: we gathered our things together and left quickly
3 du ad. [goratu] to raise, to lift sb/sth (up); [belak] to hoist
besoak gora jaso: raise your arms
4 du ad. [begiak, begirada] to lift; to look up; to look up from sth
begiak zerurantz jaso: to look up to the sky
gelan sartu nintzenean begiak jaso zituen liburutik: she looked up from her book as I entered the room
5 du ad. [eraiki] to build, to construct
6 du ad. [oparia, deia] to receive, to get; [saria] to collect, to win
domina jaso: to win a medal
berri txarren bat jaso zuten: they were given some bad news
7 du ad. [gona, mahukak] to lift, to roll up
8 du ad. [eguraldia] to clear up, to improve, to get better
1 izond. [pertsona] well-educated, educated, learned; cultivated, cultured; elegant, refined
2 izond. [hitza] learned