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1 da ad. [gailendu] to stand out; to excel
eskolan nabarmendu zen: he stood out at the school
2 da ad. [agertu, azaldu] to show, to appear, to be noticeable
edozer egiten du bere burua nabarmentzeagatik: he is able to do anything in order to get noticed
3 du ad. [erakutsi] to point out, to show, to reveal
oraindik bide luzea zegoela egiteko nabarmendu zuen: she pointed out that we still had a long way to go
4 du ad. [azpimarratu] to stress, to emphasize, to remark
neurriak hartzeko beharra nabarmendu da: the need to take measures has been emphasized
sariaren garrantzia nabarmendu dute: they have remarked on the importance of the prize