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Ohikotasuna adierazteko nahi izaten erabili ohi da
Geroaldiko formak nahiko bidez ere osa daitezke
du ad. to want, to wish
informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero: should you wish to receive further information
unintentional, unintended
nahi gabeko hutsegitea: an unintentional mistake
nahi gabeko haurduntza: an unintended pregnancy
as much as desired/wanted; at will, at discretion
dirua nahi beste, baina osasuna falta: they have as much money as they want, but they have poor health
unintentionally, by accident
nahi gabe puskatu dugu: we broke it by accident
du ad.
to prefer; would rather + verb
etxeko janaria nahiago dut: I prefer home cooking
tea baino nahiago du kafea: she prefers coffee to tea
nahiago dut garagardoa edan: I would rather have beer
(aditzaren era burutuaren ondoren) wanting to, trying to, intending to
hura hil nahiz zebiltzan: they were trying to kill him
nahien duzun gauza aukeratzea duzu: you can choose the one you prefer