eu > en
Gaur Heg. lgart. pasa
1 da ad. [toki batetik] to pass; to come/go past; to go; to go through
zure albotik pasatu da: he went past you
bulegotik pasatu behar dut: I have to drop in at the office
2 da ad. to pass, to pass by
trena lauretan pasatzen da: the train passes by at four
3 da ad. [denbora] to pass, to go by, to elapse
harrezkero urte asko pasatu dira: many years have gone by since then
4 da ad. [amaitu] to pass, to be over
ahantzi hori, pasatu da eta: forget it, it's over
5 da ad. [egoera batetik bestera] to pass; to go; to change
aberats izatetik pobre izatera pasatu: to go from riches to rags
6 da ad. [gertatu] to happen
zer pasatu zaizu?: what happened to you?
7 da ad. (herr.) to go too far
pasatzen ari zara!: you're going too far!
8 du ad. [zeharkatu] to cross
muga pasatu: to cross the frontier
9 du ad. to go through, to get through
astea pasatu dugu: we've got through the week
10 du ad. to turn
orriak pasatu: to turn the pages
11 du ad. [gainditu] to exceed, to surpass
muga guztiak pasatu dituzu: you've exceeded all the limits
12 du ad. [denbora igaro] to spend; to have
oporrak mendian pasatu: to spend one's holidays in the mountains
ondo pasatu: to have a good time
13 du ad. [pairatu] to go through; to experience; to suffer
14 du ad. [helarazi] to pass, to give
deia ez pasatu: don't pass the call on to me
15 du ad. [iragazi] to put through; to filter
16 du ad. (Kir.) to pass
baloia pasatu: to pass the ball
17 zaio ad. [sendatu] to pass; to go; to disappear
mina pasatu zait: the pain's gone