Elhuyar Hiztegia


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Partekatu sareetan:

slogan *Adibide guztiak automatikoki lortu dira hemendik: dabilena

...slogan ... biak gehitu zitzaizkien ("ez zaitu abandonatuko" slogana berretsiz); denetan kaskarenak, berriro ere, Nivea eta Dove...

...Hundreds of people came together under the Complete Amnesty slogan . In the speech read at the end of the demonstration there w...

...donola ere, euskararen borroka horretarako, nik beste slogan hau aukeratuko nuke: Elebakarra da, bide bakarra! (...) Eus...

..., the founders of the Basque Nationalist Party, coined the slogan Jaun Goikoa eta Lege zarra (God and the Old Law) when layin...

...: "It isn't abuse, it's rape!" has been their slogan . Amongst other places, Iruñea city hall square has been cro...

...u. Izan ere, nor dago kulturaren aurka? Nor slogan gisa hautatu duten «elkarbizitza»-ren kontra? Gu ez behintz...

...one side by the wind. Vive salvajemente 1 , says the slogan . My life's been tame for a long time, I think. My sex life ...

...than 50,000 people filled the centre of Iruñea behind the slogan " It isn't Terrorism; Give us Justice ".

... nahi badugu, hizkera aldatu behar dugu, eta slogan edo leloak eraldatu, geu aldatuz ingurukoa aldatzeko. Adibi...

...the city. We Live here; We Want to Live Here! will be the slogan .

Ikusi adibide gehiago
