eu > en
1 izond. small, little; minuscule
txori xeheak: little birds
lan xeheak: little tasks
eltxo xehea: minuscule gnat
ondo xehea da ekarri duzun gatz hori!: the salt you've brought is quite fine!
3 izond. [xumea] common
herri xehea: common people
4 izond. [pertsona laua, xaloa] pleasant, amiable, friendly, affable
5 izond. elaborate
kontzientziaren etsamina xehea: elaborate soul-searching
6 adb. in detail
xehe azaldu: to explain in detail
7 iz./izond. (izena denean mugaturik erabilia) [diru-xehea] change, small change, loose change