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must *Adibide guztiak automatikoki lortu dira hemendik: dabilena

... of prefixes. In my opinion, we must not only decide how to address these...

. Have eta get kausazko balioarekin (I must have my car serviced this week. ...

Summary In an Information Society, a person must be able to recognize when information is...

...k, inguratsa baliatzen du giza-arimaren zirrikuetan must egiteko.

...aipaturiko obran dioen legez, â€Who reads must choose...

... gargailaka abere molkoak lerratzen zaizkiola mustetan mustena den. Ez dezagun ahantz gasnaren antzeko niniak izan baldin ...

...ntratua: Xune, Robert, Pol, Eira, Ed, Aira, Dana, Must . Sentsibilitate handiz eta umorez ere kondatzen dizkigu Zel...

...ng together in Gernika to send governments a message: we must help the refugees! In 20 years' time I don't want a whole n...

...outlook is more sombre. I believe we must distinguish between theoretical and practical terminology. ...

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