Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  prep. [relating to] -i buruz, -z, -en gainean

    what's it about?: zeri buruzkoa da?

    a book about gardening: lorezaintzari buruzko liburua

    I can tell you nothing about him: ezin dizut hari buruz ezer esan

    I'm phoning about tomorrow's meeting: biharko bileraren gainean galdetzeko deitzen dut

    there's nothing I can do about it: ezin dizut horretan lagundu

    how or what about this one?: zer iruditzen zaizu hau?

    what about me?: eta ni, zer?

    what did she talk about?: zertaz berba egin zuen?

    how or what about coming with us?: zer moduz gurekin etortzen bazara?

  • 2  prep. [around] -tik, -n

    to do jobs about the house: konponketak egin etxean

    to wander about the streets: kaletik ibili

    I had no money about me: ez neukan dirurik

    he looked about him: ingurura begiratu zuen

  • 3  prep. [particular to] norbaitek/zerbaitek duenari buruz

    there's something about him (that I like): badu zerbait (gustatzen zaidana)

    there's something odd about it: bada/badu zerbait arraroa

  • 4  adv. [approximately] gutxi gorabehera, ia; (only with numbers) inguru, (-en) bat

    at about two o'clock: ordu biak inguruan

    about GBP 20: 20ren bat libera

    he must be about 40: 40ren bat urte izango ditu

    that's about it: hori da, gutxi gorabehera

    about seven years ago: orain dela zazpi urte inguru

    it's just about finished: ia bukatuta dago

    it's about time you stopped: bazen garaia gelditzeko

  • 5  adv. (esp Br) [place] hemen/hor/han inguruan, hemen/hor/han nonbait

    to leave things lying about: gauzak hor inguruan utzi

    there's a lot of measles about: hemen inguruan asko dira elgorriz gaxotuak

    he must be about somewhere: hemen inguruan egon behar du

    is anyone about?: badago inor?

  • about to
  • be about it
