en > eu
1 adj. adeitsu, atsegin, gozo, jator
a very kind and helpful person: pertsona atsegin eta lagunkoia
that's very kind of you: eskerrik asko, oso atsegina zara
would you be kind enough to close the window?: itxiko duzu leihoa, mesedez?
would you be so kind as to close the door?: itxiko duzu atea, mesedez?
2 n. mota
music of all kinds: mota guztietako musika
the chef gave us a kind of soup: sukaldariak zopa-moduko bat atera zigun
I have heard nothing of the kind: ez dut halakorik entzun
they're two of a kind: berdin-berdinak dira
he insulted me and I answered in kind: iraindu egin ninduen eta nik berdin erantzun nion
to pay in kind: gauzaz ordaindu